
Many of the links below are affiliate links of products we use and love. We make a small amount of money for your use of the links, at no cost to you. So, if you’d like to try any of these products, please use the links below and share this page with your friends.

Writing and Publishing


Scrivener is a wonderful addition to any author's toolkit. It's especially great for the early stages of writing. Scrivener allows authors to not only compile all research easily in one document, but it allows the simple reshuffling of scenes or even entire chapters to easily and rapidly experiment with story flow.


A visual timeline tool, your easy to use digital corkboard for helping plot your stories. Comes with a wide range of templates as guides for your story type.


Whether it's in your social media posts or your latest blockbuster, Grammarly is a helpful writing add-on that catches those little mistakes (and also the larger ones) that we all make.


A wonderful and simple online tool for creating the majority of graphics that an author will need. It has book cover templates that can be easily modified, including the upload of your own images. There are also pre-formatted image sizes for all major social media platforms to allow creation of eye-catching ads. Best of all, it's free (although there is also a paid premium version with more template and image options).

A well-developed up-and-coming publishing platform. Draft2Digital now supports publishing of e-book, print, and audio books. It's free to use and, like Amazon, is paid for by a small percentage taken from royalties on sales.

The Universe Doesn't Give a Sh*t About Your Book

An excellent summary of the entire self-publishing process from writing to formatting to promotion. Written by the founder of Curious Cat Books.

GetResponse e-Mail List Manager

GetResponse is a powerful e-mail list manager. Even better, in the upgraded package you get access to their webinar software! This link gives you a £20 credit toward your subscription.

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